Everyone's talking about their vaginas. Not their pussies, not their va jay jays, not their cunts, THEIR VAGINAS. This word can be polarizing, much more so than penis. I think because the penis is fully visible (and thanks to the Twitterverse visible often), we feel like we understand it, and those to whom the penis is attached; whereas the vagina is hidden, cloistered away, an enigma. Is this a metaphor for the body to whom the vagina is attached? Perhaps.
This all came about from a series of texts with @ServiceSlut where she determined that she had zero bush confidence. O_o Bush confidence?? Oh this ==>
So she blogged about her vagina. Did you know a lot of women are talking about their vaginas?? Well they are. The Pussy Pride Project is seeing to it, and I fully endorse it.
So here I am to talk about mine. I can get into the phsyicalities of it, about the color, the labia, the sensitivity, how she likes to be touched or not touched, but to me that demeans her. My vagina isn't just about sex, or even reproduction, my vagina is about power. Not power over you or me, or anyone; it's simple, raw power. It is the center of my femininity and that which makes me who I am.
My vagina can exist without a penis. My vagina can thrive without a penis. Mind you, my vagina likes the penis, she likes it a lot, but that's like saying my mouth likes filet mignon, I can survive without it, but I enjoy it.
My vagina has made me approach the world differently from how I might. Growing up, I witnessed the effectiveness of men in the world, how their misogyny sculpted a society where they were in control, when I knew deep down that just wasn't right. (Are you shocked that I'm a feminist? No, no you're not.) The truth is this is the world in which we live and I can jump up and down about how unfair it is all I want (which I did quite often when I was young), but in order to make any sort of an impact, I must adapt to the situation. So I did, I learned that I can't be like a man, throwing my dick around, using it for sword fights and pissing contests (all metaphorically, we're talking "polite" society now). I have to be like a vagina; subtle.

I don't feel shame for my vagina, whatever her physical condition. She is beautiful, as she is the center of me. She can get lost in the shuffle of daily life, but part of the beauty of the vagina, is its elasticity; her ability to mold and shape herself to any and all situations, penis, and babies. Yes, my vagina has super powers. Your vagina has super powers! It can leap buildings in a single bound, solve any problem, soothe any hurt, cause immense pain, create unimaginable beauty; that my friends is miraculous.

Awesome post. I have talked to so many women who complain that they can't orgasm and my first piece of advice is that they get a mirror, check out their vaginas, touch themselves, and get to know that very important piece of their body.
Once again you raise the bar in perception of the beauty of such a complex & delicate creature that is the Vagina. It is, after all, every human beings doorway to the world & for such,should be afford the respect it deserves for this fact alone. On closer inspection (of which i have many) the delights to be had from a thorough and intimate examination of the Vagina is beneficial to both man & woman alike, certainly to help in the obvious pursuit of fulfilling the pleasure & orgasms available from the ultimate female gift.